Source code for gala.coordinates.poincarepolar

# Third-party
import numpy as np

__all__ = ["cartesian_to_poincare_polar"]

[docs] def cartesian_to_poincare_polar(w): r""" Convert an array of 6D Cartesian positions to Poincaré symplectic polar coordinates. These are similar to cylindrical coordinates. Parameters ---------- w : array_like Input array of 6D Cartesian phase-space positions. Should have shape ``(norbits, 6)``. Returns ------- new_w : :class:`~numpy.ndarray` Points represented in 6D Poincaré polar coordinates. """ R = np.sqrt(w[..., 0] ** 2 + w[..., 1] ** 2) # phi = np.arctan2(w[..., 1], w[..., 0]) phi = np.arctan2(w[..., 0], w[..., 1]) vR = (w[..., 0] * w[..., 0 + 3] + w[..., 1] * w[..., 1 + 3]) / R vPhi = w[..., 0] * w[..., 1 + 3] - w[..., 1] * w[..., 0 + 3] # pg. 437, Papaphillipou & Laskar (1996) sqrt_2THETA = np.sqrt(np.abs(2 * vPhi)) pp_phi = sqrt_2THETA * np.cos(phi) pp_phidot = sqrt_2THETA * np.sin(phi) z = w[..., 2] zdot = w[..., 2 + 3] new_w = np.vstack((R.T, pp_phi.T, z.T, vR.T, pp_phidot.T, zdot.T)).T return new_w