Source code for gala.integrate.timespec

""" Helper function for turning different ways of specifying the integration
    times into an array of times.

# Third-party
import numpy as np

__all__ = ["parse_time_specification"]

[docs] def parse_time_specification(units, dt=None, n_steps=None, t1=None, t2=None, t=None): """ Return an array of times given a few combinations of kwargs that are accepted -- see below. Parameters ---------- dt, n_steps[, t1] : (numeric, int[, numeric]) A fixed timestep dt and a number of steps to run for. dt, t1, t2 : (numeric, numeric, numeric) A fixed timestep dt, an initial time, and an final time. dt, t1 : (array_like, numeric) An array of timesteps dt and an initial time. n_steps, t1, t2 : (int, numeric, numeric) Number of steps between an initial time, and a final time. t : array_like An array of times (dts = t[1:] - t[:-1]) """ if n_steps is not None: # parse and validate n_steps n_steps = int(n_steps) if hasattr(dt, "unit"): dt = dt.decompose(units).value if hasattr(t1, "unit"): t1 = t1.decompose(units).value if hasattr(t2, "unit"): t2 = t2.decompose(units).value if hasattr(t, "unit"): t = t.decompose(units).value # t : array_like if t is not None: times = t return times.astype(np.float64) else: if dt is None and (t1 is None or t2 is None or n_steps is None): raise ValueError( "Invalid specification of integration time. See docstring for more " "information." ) # dt, n_steps[, t1] : (numeric, int[, numeric]) elif dt is not None and n_steps is not None: if t1 is None: t1 = 0.0 times = parse_time_specification(units, dt=np.ones(n_steps + 1) * dt, t1=t1) # dt, t1, t2 : (numeric, numeric, numeric) elif dt is not None and t1 is not None and t2 is not None: if t2 < t1 and dt < 0: t_i = t1 times = [] ii = 0 while (t_i > t2) and (ii < 1e6): times.append(t_i) t_i += dt if times[-1] != t2: times.append(t2) return np.array(times, dtype=np.float64) elif t2 > t1 and dt > 0: t_i = t1 times = [] ii = 0 while (t_i < t2) and (ii < 1e6): times.append(t_i) t_i += dt return np.array(times, dtype=np.float64) else: if dt == 0: raise ValueError("dt must be non-zero.") else: raise ValueError( "If t2 < t1, dt must be negative. If t1 < t2, dt must be " "positive." ) # dt, t1 : (array_like, numeric) elif isinstance(dt, np.ndarray) and t1 is not None: times = np.cumsum(np.append([0.0], dt)) + t1 times = times[:-1] # n_steps, t1, t2 : (int, numeric, numeric) elif dt is None and not (t1 is None or t2 is None or n_steps is None): times = np.linspace(t1, t2, n_steps, endpoint=True) else: raise ValueError("Invalid options. See docstring.") return times.astype(np.float64)