Source code for gala.dynamics.nbody.core

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# Third-party
import numpy as np

from ...integrate.cyintegrators.leapfrog import leapfrog_integrate_nbody
from ...integrate.cyintegrators.ruth4 import ruth4_integrate_nbody
from ...integrate.timespec import parse_time_specification
from ...potential import Hamiltonian, NullPotential, StaticFrame
from ...units import UnitSystem
from ...util import atleast_2d
from .. import Orbit, PhaseSpacePosition
from .nbody import direct_nbody_dop853, nbody_acceleration

__all__ = ["DirectNBody"]

[docs] class DirectNBody: def __init__( self, w0, particle_potentials, external_potential=None, frame=None, units=None, save_all=True, ): """Perform orbit integration using direct N-body forces between particles, optionally in an external background potential. TODO: could add another option, like in other contexts, for "extra_force" to support, e.g., dynamical friction Parameters ---------- w0 : `~gala.dynamics.PhaseSpacePosition` The particle initial conditions. partcle_potentials : list List of potential objects to add mass or mass distributions to the particles. Use ``None`` to treat particles as test particles. external_potential : `~gala.potential.PotentialBase` subclass instance (optional) The background or external potential to integrate the particle orbits in. frame : :class:`~gala.potential.frame.FrameBase` subclass (optional) The reference frame to perform integratiosn in. units : `~gala.units.UnitSystem` (optional) Set of non-reducable units that specify (at minimum) the length, mass, time, and angle units. save_all : bool (optional) Save the full orbits of each particle. If ``False``, only returns the final phase-space positions of each particle. """ if not isinstance(w0, PhaseSpacePosition): raise TypeError( "Initial conditions `w0` must be a " "gala.dynamics.PhaseSpacePosition object, " "not '{}'".format(w0.__class__.__name__) ) if len(w0.shape) > 0: if w0.shape[0] != len(particle_potentials): raise ValueError( "The number of initial conditions in `w0` must" " match the number of particle potentials " "passed in with `particle_potentials`." ) # TODO: this is a MAJOR HACK if w0.shape[0] > 524288: # see MAX_NBODY in _nbody.pyx raise NotImplementedError( "We currently only support direct " "N-body integration for <= 524288 " "particles." ) # First, figure out how to get units - first place to check is the arg if units is None: # Next, check the particle potentials for pp in particle_potentials: if pp is not None: units = pp.units break # If units is still none, and external_potential is defined, use that: if units is None and external_potential is not None: units = external_potential.units # Now, if units are still None, raise an error! if units is None: raise ValueError( "Could not determine units from input! You must " "either (1) pass in the unit system with `units`," "(2) set the units on one of the " "particle_potentials, OR (3) pass in an " "`external_potential` with valid units." ) if not isinstance(units, UnitSystem): units = UnitSystem(units) # Now that we have the unit system, enforce that all potentials are in # that system: _particle_potentials = [] for pp in particle_potentials: if pp is None: pp = NullPotential(units=units) else: pp = pp.replace_units(units) _particle_potentials.append(pp) if external_potential is None: external_potential = NullPotential(units=units) else: external_potential = external_potential.replace_units(units) if frame is None: frame = StaticFrame(units) self.units = units self.external_potential = external_potential self.frame = frame self.particle_potentials = _particle_potentials self.save_all = save_all self.H = Hamiltonian(self.external_potential, frame=self.frame) if not self.H.c_enabled: raise ValueError( "Input potential must be C-enabled: one or more " "components in the input external potential are " "Python-only." ) self.w0 = w0 @property def w0(self): return self._w0 @w0.setter def w0(self, value): self._w0 = value self._cache_w0() def _cache_w0(self): # cache the position and velocity / prepare the initial conditions self._pos = atleast_2d(, insert_axis=1) self._vel = atleast_2d(self.w0.v_xyz.decompose(self.units).value, insert_axis=1) self._c_w0 = np.ascontiguousarray(np.vstack((self._pos, self._vel)).T) def __repr__(self): if self.w0.shape: return "<{} bodies={}>".format(self.__class__.__name__, self.w0.shape[0]) else: return "<{} bodies=1>".format(self.__class__.__name__) def _nbody_acceleration(self, t=0.0): """ Compute the N-body acceleration at the location of each body """ nbody_acc = nbody_acceleration(self._c_w0, t, self.particle_potentials) return nbody_acc.T
[docs] def acceleration(self, t=0.0): """ Compute the acceleration at the location of each N body, including the external potential. """ nbody_acc = self._nbody_acceleration(t=t) * self.units["acceleration"] ext_acc = self.external_potential.acceleration(self.w0, t=t) return nbody_acc + ext_acc
[docs] def integrate_orbit(self, Integrator=None, Integrator_kwargs=dict(), **time_spec): """ Integrate the initial conditions in the combined external potential plus N-body forces. This integration uses the `~gala.integrate.DOPRI853Integrator`. Parameters ---------- **time_spec Specification of how long to integrate. See documentation for `~gala.integrate.parse_time_specification`. Returns ------- orbit : `~gala.dynamics.Orbit` The orbits of the particles. """ from gala.integrate import ( DOPRI853Integrator, LeapfrogIntegrator, Ruth4Integrator, ) if Integrator is None: Integrator = DOPRI853Integrator # Prepare the time-stepping array t = parse_time_specification(self.units, **time_spec) # Reorganize orbits so that massive bodies are first: front_idx = [] front_pp = [] end_idx = [] end_pp = [] for i, pp in enumerate(self.particle_potentials): if not isinstance(pp, NullPotential): front_idx.append(i) front_pp.append(pp) else: end_idx.append(i) end_pp.append(pp) idx = np.array(front_idx + end_idx) pps = front_pp + end_pp reorg_w0 = np.ascontiguousarray(self._c_w0[idx]) if Integrator == LeapfrogIntegrator: _, ws = leapfrog_integrate_nbody( self.H, reorg_w0, t, pps, store_all=int(self.save_all) ) elif Integrator == Ruth4Integrator: _, ws = ruth4_integrate_nbody( self.H, reorg_w0, t, pps, store_all=int(self.save_all) ) elif Integrator == DOPRI853Integrator: ws = direct_nbody_dop853(reorg_w0, t, self.H, pps, save_all=self.save_all) else: raise NotImplementedError( "N-body integration is currently not supported with the {Integrator} " "integrator class" ) if self.save_all: pos = np.rollaxis(np.array(ws[..., :3]), axis=2) # should this be axis=-1? vel = np.rollaxis(np.array(ws[..., 3:]), axis=2) orbits = Orbit( pos=pos * self.units["length"], vel=vel * self.units["length"] / self.units["time"], t=t * self.units["time"], hamiltonian=self.H, ) else: pos = np.array(ws[..., :3]).T vel = np.array(ws[..., 3:]).T orbits = PhaseSpacePosition( pos=pos * self.units["length"], vel=vel * self.units["length"] / self.units["time"], frame=self.frame, ) # Reorder orbits to original order: undo_idx = np.argsort(idx) return orbits[..., undo_idx]