For the examples below, we assume the following imports have already been executed:: >>> import astropy.units as u >>> import astropy.coordinates as coord >>> import numpy as np >>> import gala.coordinates as gc .. _greatcircle: ************************************************* Great circle and stellar stream coordinate frames ************************************************* Introduction ============ Great circle coordinate systems are defined as a rotation from another spherical coordinate system, such as the ICRS. The great circle system is defined by a specified north pole, with a additional (optional) specification of the longitude zero point of the final system. `gala` currentlt supports great circle frames that are defined as a rotation away from the ICRS (ra, dec) through the `~gala.coordinates.GreatCircleICRSFrame` class. To create a new great circle frame, you must specify a pole using the ``pole=`` keyword, and optionally specify the longitude zero point either by specifying the right ascension of the longitude zero point, ``ra0``, or by specifying a final rotation to be applied to the transformation, ``rotation``. For example, to define a great circle system with the pole at (RA, Dec) = (32.5, 19.8)ยบ, we first have to create a coordinate object for the pole:: >>> pole = coord.SkyCoord(ra=32.5*u.deg, dec=19.8*u.deg) We then pass this pole to the `~gala.coordinates.GreatCircleICRSFrame` class to define our coordinate frame:: >>> fr = gc.GreatCircleICRSFrame(pole=pole) We can then use this frame like any other Astropy coordinate frame. For example, we can transform other coordinates to this new coordinate system using:: >>> c = coord.SkyCoord(ra=[160, 53]*u.deg, dec=[-11, 9]*u.deg) >>> c_fr = c.transform_to(fr) >>> c_fr # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP , center=None, ra0=nan deg, rotation=0.0 deg): (phi1, phi2) in deg [(91.68381582, -38.82050866), (64.33692905, 67.43382209)]> The spherical coordinate components of the resulting great circle frame are always named ``phi1`` and ``phi2``, so to access the longitude and latitude in the new system, we use:: >>> c_fr.phi1 # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP >>> c_fr.phi2 # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP The transformation also works for velocity components. For example, if we have a sky position and proper motions, we can transform to the great circle frame in the same way:: >>> c = coord.SkyCoord(ra=160*u.deg, ... dec=-11*u.deg, ... pm_ra_cosdec=5*u.mas/u.yr, ... pm_dec=0.3*u.mas/u.yr) >>> c_fr = c.transform_to(fr) >>> c_fr.phi1 # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP >>> c_fr.pm_phi1_cosphi2 # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP >>> c_fr.pm_phi2 # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP The generic great circle frame can also handle transforming from great circle coordinates to other coordinate frames. For example, to transform a grid of points along a great circle to the ICRS system, we would define a frame with positional data and a specified pole:: >>> c_fr = gc.GreatCircleICRSFrame(phi1=np.linspace(0, 360, 8)*u.deg, ... phi2=0*u.deg, ... pole=pole) >>> c = c_fr.transform_to(coord.ICRS) >>> c.ra # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP Creating a great circle frame from two points ============================================== It is sometimes convenient to specify two endpoints that define a great circle instead of the pole. For such use cases, the `~gala.coordinates.GreatCircleICRSFrame` has a convenience method for creating a class from two endpoints of an arc that define a great circle:: >>> points = coord.SkyCoord(ra=[-38.8, 4.7]*u.deg, ... dec=[-45.1, -51.7]*u.deg) >>> fr = gc.GreatCircleICRSFrame.from_endpoints(points[0], points[1]) Without specifying a longitude zeropoint, the default behavior of the above method is to take the spherical midpoint of the two points as the zeropoint. However, a custom zeropoint can be specified using the ``ra0`` or ``rotation`` keyword arguments. For example:: >>> fr = gc.GreatCircleICRSFrame.from_endpoints(points[0], points[1], ... ra0=150*u.deg) .. _greatcircle-api: API === .. automodapi:: gala.coordinates.greatcircle :no-inheritance-diagram: