Source code for gala.dynamics.actionangle_staeckel

import numpy as np

__all__ = ['get_staeckel_fudge_delta']

[docs]def get_staeckel_fudge_delta(potential, w, median=True): """Estimate the focal length parameter, ∆, used by the Staeckel fudge. Parameters ---------- potential : `~gala.potential.PotentialBase` subclass The potential that the orbits were computed in, or that you would like to estimate the best-fitting Staeckel potential for. w : `~gala.dynamics.Orbit`, `~gala.dynamics.PhaseSpacePosition` The orbit(s) or phase space position(s) to estimate the focal length Returns ------- deltas : `~astropy.units.Quantity` [length] The focal length values. """ grad = potential.gradient(w).decompose(potential.units).value hess = potential.hessian(w).decompose(potential.units).value # avoid constructing the full jacobian: cyl = w.cylindrical R = cyl.rho.decompose(potential.units).value z = w.z.decompose(potential.units).value cosphi = np.cos(cyl.phi) sinphi = np.sin(cyl.phi) sin2phi = np.sin(2 * cyl.phi) # These expressions transform the Hessian in Cartesian coordinates to the # pieces we need in cylindrical coordinates # - See: gala-notebooks/Delta-Staeckel.ipnyb dPhi_dR = cosphi * grad[0] + sinphi * grad[1] dPhi_dz = grad[2] d2Phi_dR2 = (cosphi**2 * hess[0, 0] + sinphi**2 * hess[1, 1] + sin2phi * hess[0, 1]) d2Phi_dz2 = hess[2, 2] d2Phi_dRdz = cosphi * hess[0, 2] + sinphi * hess[1, 2] # numerator of term in eq. 9 (Sanders 2012), but from Galpy, # which claims there is a sign error in the manuscript?? num = 3*z * dPhi_dR - 3*R * dPhi_dz + R*z * (d2Phi_dR2 - d2Phi_dz2) a2_c2 = z**2 - R**2 + num / d2Phi_dRdz a2_c2[np.abs(a2_c2) < 1e-12] = 0. # MAGIC NUMBER delta = np.sqrt(a2_c2) # Median over time if the inputs were orbits if len(delta.shape) > 1 and median: delta = np.nanmedian(delta, axis=1) return delta * potential.units['length']