Source code for gala.potential.potential.builtin.pybuiltin

# Third-party
import numpy as np

from gala.potential.potential.core import PotentialBase
from gala.potential.potential.util import sympy_wrap
from gala.potential.common import PotentialParameter

__all__ = ["HarmonicOscillatorPotential", "KuzminPotential"]

[docs]class HarmonicOscillatorPotential(PotentialBase): r""" Represents an N-dimensional harmonic oscillator. .. math:: \Phi = \frac{1}{2}\omega^2 x^2 Parameters ---------- omega : numeric Frequency. units : iterable(optional) Unique list of non-reducable units that specify (at minimum) the length, mass, time, and angle units. """ omega = PotentialParameter('omega', physical_type='frequency') def _setup_potential(self, parameters, origin=None, R=None, units=None): parameters['omega'] = np.atleast_1d(parameters['omega']) super()._setup_potential(parameters, origin=origin, R=R, units=units) self.ndim = len(self.parameters['omega']) def _energy(self, q, t=0.): om = np.atleast_1d(self.parameters['omega'].value) return np.sum(0.5 * om[None]**2 * q**2, axis=1) def _gradient(self, q, t=0.): om = np.atleast_1d(self.parameters['omega'].value) return om[None]**2 * q def _hessian(self, q, t=0.): om = np.atleast_1d(self.parameters['omega'].value) return np.tile(np.diag(om)[:, :, None], reps=(1, 1, q.shape[0]))
[docs] @classmethod @sympy_wrap(var='x') def to_sympy(cls, v, p): expr = 1/2 * p['omega']**2 * v['x']**2 return expr, v, p
[docs] def action_angle(self, w): """ Transform the input cartesian position and velocity to action-angle coordinates the Harmonic Oscillator potential. This transformation is analytic and can be used as a "toy potential" in the Sanders & Binney 2014 formalism for computing action-angle coordinates in _any_ potential. Adapted from Jason Sanders' code `genfunc <>`_. Parameters ---------- w : :class:`gala.dynamics.PhaseSpacePosition`, :class:`gala.dynamics.Orbit` The positions or orbit to compute the actions, angles, and frequencies at. """ from ....dynamics.analyticactionangle import harmonic_oscillator_to_aa return harmonic_oscillator_to_aa(w, self)
# def phase_space(self, actions, angles): # """ # Transform the input action-angle coordinates to cartesian position and velocity # assuming a Harmonic Oscillator potential. This transformation # is analytic and can be used as a "toy potential" in the # Sanders & Binney 2014 formalism for computing action-angle coordinates # in _any_ potential. # Adapted from Jason Sanders' code # `genfunc <>`_. # Parameters # ---------- # x : array_like # Positions. # v : array_like # Velocities. # """ # from ...dynamics.analyticactionangle import harmonic_oscillator_aa_to_xv # return harmonic_oscillator_aa_to_xv(actions, angles, self)
[docs]class KuzminPotential(PotentialBase): r""" The Kuzmin flattened disk potential. .. math:: \Phi = -\frac{Gm}{\sqrt{x^2 + y^2 + (a + |z|)^2}} Parameters ---------- m : numeric Mass. a : numeric Flattening parameter. units : iterable Unique list of non-reducible units that specify (at minimum) the length, mass, time, and angle units. """ m = PotentialParameter('m', physical_type='mass') a = PotentialParameter('a', physical_type='length') def _energy(self, q, t): x, y, z = q m = self.parameters['m'] a = self.parameters['a'] val = -self.G * m / np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2 + (a + np.abs(z))**2) return val def _gradient(self, q, t): x, y, z = q m = self.parameters['m'] a = self.parameters['a'] fac = self.G * m / (x**2 + y**2 + (a + np.abs(z))**2)**1.5 return fac[None, ...] * q
[docs] @classmethod @sympy_wrap() def to_sympy(cls, v, p): import sympy as sy denom = sy.sqrt(v['x']**2 + v['y']**2 + (p['a'] + sy.Abs(v['z']))**2) expr = p['G'] * p['m'] / denom return expr, v, p