Source code for gala.dynamics.core

# Standard library
from collections import namedtuple, OrderedDict
import warnings
import re

# Third-party
import astropy.coordinates as coord
from astropy.coordinates import representation as r
import astropy.units as u
from astropy.utils.compat.misc import override__dir__
import numpy as np

# Project
from . import representation_nd as rep_nd
from .plot import plot_projections
from import quantity_to_hdf5, quantity_from_hdf5
from ..units import UnitSystem, DimensionlessUnitSystem, _greek_letters
from ..util import atleast_2d

__all__ = ['PhaseSpacePosition']

_RepresentationMappingBase = \
               ('repr_name', 'new_name', 'default_unit'))

class RepresentationMapping(_RepresentationMappingBase):
    This `~collections.namedtuple` is used to override the representation and
    differential class component names in the `PhaseSpacePosition` and `Orbit`

    def __new__(cls, repr_name, new_name, default_unit='recommended'):
        # this trick just provides some defaults
        return super().__new__(cls, repr_name, new_name, default_unit)

class RegexRepresentationMapping(RepresentationMapping):
    A representation mapping that uses a regex to map the original attribute
    name to the new attribute name.

[docs]class PhaseSpacePosition(object): representation_mappings = { r.CartesianRepresentation: [ RepresentationMapping('xyz', 'xyz') ], r.SphericalCosLatDifferential: [ RepresentationMapping('d_lon_coslat', 'pm_lon_coslat', u.mas/u.yr), RepresentationMapping('d_lat', 'pm_lat', u.mas/u.yr), RepresentationMapping('d_distance', 'radial_velocity') ], r.SphericalDifferential: [ RepresentationMapping('d_lon', 'pm_lon', u.mas/u.yr), RepresentationMapping('d_lat', 'pm_lat', u.mas/u.yr), RepresentationMapping('d_distance', 'radial_velocity') ], r.PhysicsSphericalDifferential: [ RepresentationMapping('d_phi', 'pm_phi', u.mas/u.yr), RepresentationMapping('d_theta', 'pm_theta', u.mas/u.yr), RepresentationMapping('d_r', 'radial_velocity') ], r.CartesianDifferential: [ RepresentationMapping('d_x', 'v_x'), RepresentationMapping('d_y', 'v_y'), RepresentationMapping('d_z', 'v_z'), RepresentationMapping('d_xyz', 'v_xyz') ], r.CylindricalDifferential: [ RepresentationMapping('d_rho', 'v_rho'), RepresentationMapping('d_phi', 'pm_phi'), RepresentationMapping('d_z', 'v_z') ], rep_nd.NDCartesianRepresentation: [ RepresentationMapping('xyz', 'xyz') ], rep_nd.NDCartesianDifferential: [ RepresentationMapping('d_xyz', 'v_xyz'), RegexRepresentationMapping('d_x([0-9])', 'v_x{0}') ], } representation_mappings[r.UnitSphericalCosLatDifferential] = \ representation_mappings[r.SphericalCosLatDifferential] representation_mappings[r.UnitSphericalDifferential] = \ representation_mappings[r.SphericalDifferential] def __init__(self, pos, vel=None, frame=None): """ Represents phase-space positions, i.e. positions and conjugate momenta (velocities). The class can be instantiated with Astropy representation objects (e.g., :class:`~astropy.coordinates.CartesianRepresentation`), Astropy :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity` objects, or plain Numpy arrays. If passing in representation objects, the default representation is taken to be the class that is passed in. If passing in Quantity or Numpy array instances for both position and velocity, they are assumed to be Cartesian. Array inputs are interpreted as dimensionless quantities. The input position and velocity objects can have an arbitrary number of (broadcastable) dimensions. For Quantity or array inputs, the first axis (0) has special meaning: - `axis=0` is the coordinate dimension (e.g., x, y, z for Cartesian) So if the input position array, `pos`, has shape `pos.shape = (3, 100)`, this would represent 100 3D positions (`pos[0]` is `x`, `pos[1]` is `y`, etc.). The same is true for velocity. Parameters ---------- pos : :class:`~astropy.coordinates.BaseRepresentation`, :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity`, array_like Positions. If a numpy array (e.g., has no units), this will be stored as a dimensionless :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity`. See the note above about the assumed meaning of the axes of this object. vel : :class:`~astropy.coordinates.BaseDifferential`, :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity`, array_like Velocities. If a numpy array (e.g., has no units), this will be stored as a dimensionless :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity`. See the note above about the assumed meaning of the axes of this object. frame : :class:`~gala.potential.FrameBase` (optional) The reference frame of the input phase-space positions. """ if not isinstance(pos, coord.BaseRepresentation): # assume Cartesian if not specified if not hasattr(pos, 'unit'): pos = pos * # 3D coordinates get special treatment ndim = pos.shape[0] if ndim == 3: # TODO: HACK: until this stuff is in astropy core if isinstance(pos, coord.BaseRepresentation): kw = [(k, getattr(pos, k)) for k in pos.components] pos = getattr(coord, pos.__class__.__name__)(**kw) else: pos = coord.CartesianRepresentation(pos) else: pos = rep_nd.NDCartesianRepresentation(pos) else: ndim = 3 if vel is None: if 's' not in pos.differentials: raise TypeError("You must specify velocity data when creating " "a {0} object.".format(self.__class__.__name__)) else: vel = pos.differentials.get('s', None) if not isinstance(vel, coord.BaseDifferential): # assume representation is same as pos if not specified if not hasattr(vel, 'unit'): vel = vel * if ndim == 3: name = pos.__class__.get_name() Diff = coord.representation.DIFFERENTIAL_CLASSES[name] vel = Diff(*vel) else: Diff = rep_nd.NDCartesianDifferential vel = Diff(vel) # make sure shape is the same if pos.shape != vel.shape: raise ValueError("Position and velocity must have the same shape " f"{pos.shape} vs. {vel.shape}") from ..potential.frame import FrameBase if frame is not None and not isinstance(frame, FrameBase): raise TypeError("Input reference frame must be a FrameBase " "subclass instance.") self.pos = pos self.vel = vel self.frame = frame self.ndim = ndim def __getitem__(self, slyce): return self.__class__(pos=self.pos[slyce], vel=self.vel[slyce], frame=self.frame)
[docs] def get_components(self, which): """ Get the component name dictionary for the desired object. The returned dictionary maps component names on this class to component names on the desired object. Parameters ---------- which : str Can either be ``'pos'`` or ``'vel'`` to get the components for the position or velocity object. """ mappings = self.representation_mappings.get( getattr(self, which).__class__, []) old_to_new = dict() for name in getattr(self, which).components: for m in mappings: if isinstance(m, RegexRepresentationMapping): pattr = re.match(m.repr_name, name) old_to_new[name] = m.new_name.format(*pattr.groups()) elif m.repr_name == name: old_to_new[name] = m.new_name mapping = OrderedDict() for name in getattr(self, which).components: mapping[old_to_new.get(name, name)] = name return mapping
@property def pos_components(self): return self.get_components('pos') @property def vel_components(self): return self.get_components('vel') def _get_extra_mappings(self, which): mappings = self.representation_mappings.get( getattr(self, which).__class__, []) extra = OrderedDict() for m in mappings: if (m.new_name not in self.get_components(which) and not isinstance(m, RegexRepresentationMapping)): extra[m.new_name] = m.repr_name return extra @override__dir__ def __dir__(self): """ Override the builtin `dir` behavior to include representation and differential names. """ dir_values = set(self.pos_components.keys()) dir_values |= set(self.vel_components.keys()) dir_values |= set(self._get_extra_mappings('pos').keys()) dir_values |= set(self._get_extra_mappings('vel').keys()) dir_values |= set(r.REPRESENTATION_CLASSES.keys()) return dir_values def __getattr__(self, attr): """ Allow access to attributes on the ``pos`` and ``vel`` representation and differential objects. """ # Prevent infinite recursion here. if attr.startswith('_'): return self.__getattribute__(attr) # Raise AttributeError. # TODO: with >3.5 support, can do: # pos_comps = {**self.pos_components, # **self._get_extra_mappings('pos')} pos_comps = self.pos_components.copy() pos_comps.update(self._get_extra_mappings('pos')) if attr in pos_comps: val = getattr(self.pos, pos_comps[attr]) return val # TODO: with >3.5 support, can do: # pos_comps = {**self.vel_components, # **self._get_extra_mappings('vel')} vel_comps = self.vel_components.copy() vel_comps.update(self._get_extra_mappings('vel')) if attr in vel_comps: val = getattr(self.vel, vel_comps[attr]) return val if attr in r.REPRESENTATION_CLASSES: return self.represent_as(attr) return self.__getattribute__(attr) # Raise AttributeError. @property def data(self): return self.pos.with_differentials(self.vel) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Convert from Cartesian to other representations #
[docs] def represent_as(self, new_pos, new_vel=None): """ Represent the position and velocity of the orbit in an alternate coordinate system. Supports any of the Astropy coordinates representation classes. Parameters ---------- new_pos : :class:`~astropy.coordinates.BaseRepresentation` The type of representation to generate. Must be a class (not an instance), or the string name of the representation class. new_vel : :class:`~astropy.coordinates.BaseDifferential` (optional) Class in which any velocities should be represented. Must be a class (not an instance), or the string name of the differential class. If None, uses the default differential for the new position class. Returns ------- new_psp : `gala.dynamics.PhaseSpacePosition` """ if self.ndim != 3: raise ValueError("Can only change representation for " "ndim=3 instances.") # get the name of the desired representation if isinstance(new_pos, str): pos_name = new_pos else: pos_name = new_pos.get_name() if isinstance(new_vel, str): vel_name = new_vel elif new_vel is None: vel_name = pos_name else: vel_name = new_vel.get_name() Representation = coord.representation.REPRESENTATION_CLASSES[pos_name] Differential = coord.representation.DIFFERENTIAL_CLASSES[vel_name] new_pos = self.pos.represent_as(Representation) new_vel = self.vel.represent_as(Differential, self.pos) return self.__class__(pos=new_pos, vel=new_vel, frame=self.frame)
[docs] def to_frame(self, frame, current_frame=None, **kwargs): """ Transform to a new reference frame. Parameters ---------- frame : `~gala.potential.FrameBase` The frame to transform to. current_frame : `gala.potential.CFrameBase` The current frame the phase-space position is in. **kwargs Any additional arguments are passed through to the individual frame transformation functions (see: `~gala.potential.frame.builtin.transformations`). Returns ------- psp : `gala.dynamics.PhaseSpacePosition` The phase-space position in the new reference frame. """ from ..potential.frame.builtin import transformations as frame_trans if self.frame is None and current_frame is None: raise ValueError(f"If no frame was specified when this {self} was " "initialized, you must pass the current frame in " "via the current_frame argument to transform to a " "new frame.") elif self.frame is not None and current_frame is None: current_frame = self.frame name1 = current_frame.__class__.__name__.rstrip('Frame').lower() name2 = frame.__class__.__name__.rstrip('Frame').lower() func_name = f"{name1}_to_{name2}" if not hasattr(frame_trans, func_name): raise ValueError("Unsupported frame transformation: {} to {}" .format(current_frame, frame)) else: trans_func = getattr(frame_trans, func_name) pos, vel = trans_func(current_frame, frame, self, **kwargs) return PhaseSpacePosition(pos=pos, vel=vel, frame=frame)
[docs] def to_coord_frame(self, frame, galactocentric_frame=None, **kwargs): """ Transform the orbit from Galactocentric, cartesian coordinates to Heliocentric coordinates in the specified Astropy coordinate frame. Parameters ---------- frame : :class:`~astropy.coordinates.BaseCoordinateFrame` The class or frame instance specifying the desired output frame. For example, :class:`~astropy.coordinates.ICRS`. galactocentric_frame : :class:`~astropy.coordinates.Galactocentric` This is the assumed frame that the position and velocity of this object are in. The ``Galactocentric`` instand should have parameters specifying the position and motion of the sun in the Galactocentric frame, but no data. Returns ------- c : :class:`~astropy.coordinates.BaseCoordinateFrame` An instantiated coordinate frame containing the positions and velocities from this object transformed to the specified coordinate frame. """ if self.ndim != 3: raise ValueError("Can only change representation for " "ndim=3 instances.") if galactocentric_frame is None: galactocentric_frame = coord.Galactocentric() pos_keys = list(self.pos_components.keys()) vel_keys = list(self.vel_components.keys()) if (getattr(self, pos_keys[0]).unit == or getattr(self, vel_keys[0]).unit == raise u.UnitConversionError("Position and velocity must have " "dimensioned units to convert to a " "coordinate frame.") # first we need to turn the position into a Galactocentric instance gc_c = galactocentric_frame.realize_frame( self.pos.with_differentials(self.vel)) c = gc_c.transform_to(frame) return c
# Pseudo-backwards compatibility
[docs] def w(self, units=None): """ This returns a single array containing the phase-space positions. Parameters ---------- units : `~gala.units.UnitSystem` (optional) The unit system to represent the position and velocity in before combining into the full array. Returns ------- w : `~numpy.ndarray` A numpy array of all positions and velocities, without units. Will have shape ``(2*ndim,...)``. """ if self.ndim == 3: cart = self.cartesian else: cart = self xyz = d_xyz = cart.v_xyz x_unit = xyz.unit v_unit = d_xyz.unit if ((units is None or isinstance(units, DimensionlessUnitSystem)) and (x_unit == and v_unit == units = DimensionlessUnitSystem() elif units is None: raise ValueError("A UnitSystem must be provided.") x = xyz.decompose(units).value if x.ndim < 2: x = atleast_2d(x, insert_axis=1) v = d_xyz.decompose(units).value if v.ndim < 2: v = atleast_2d(v, insert_axis=1) return np.vstack((x, v))
[docs] @classmethod def from_w(cls, w, units=None, **kwargs): """ Create a {name} object from a single array specifying positions and velocities. This is mainly for backwards-compatibility and it is not recommended for new users. Parameters ---------- w : array_like The array of phase-space positions. units : `~gala.units.UnitSystem` (optional) The unit system that the input position+velocity array, ``w``, is represented in. **kwargs Any aditional keyword arguments passed to the class initializer. Returns ------- obj : `~gala.dynamics.{name}` """.format(name=cls.__name__) w = np.array(w) ndim = w.shape[0]//2 pos = w[:ndim] vel = w[ndim:] # TODO: this is bad form - UnitSystem should know what to do with a # Dimensionless if units is not None and not isinstance(units, DimensionlessUnitSystem): units = UnitSystem(units) pos = pos*units['length'] vel = vel*units['length']/units['time'] # from _core_units return cls(pos=pos, vel=vel, **kwargs)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Input / output #
[docs] def to_hdf5(self, f): """ Serialize this object to an HDF5 file. Requires ``h5py``. Parameters ---------- f : str, :class:`h5py.File` Either the filename or an open HDF5 file. """ if isinstance(f, str): import h5py f = h5py.File(f, mode='r') if self.frame is not None: frame_group = f.create_group('frame') frame_group.attrs['module'] = self.frame.__module__ frame_group.attrs['class'] = self.frame.__class__.__name__ units = [str(x).encode('utf8') for x in self.frame.units.to_dict().values()] frame_group.create_dataset('units', data=units) d = frame_group.create_group('parameters') for k, par in self.frame.parameters.items(): quantity_to_hdf5(d, k, par) cart = self.represent_as('cartesian') quantity_to_hdf5(f, 'pos', quantity_to_hdf5(f, 'vel', cart.v_xyz) return f
[docs] @classmethod def from_hdf5(cls, f): """ Load an object from an HDF5 file. Requires ``h5py``. Parameters ---------- f : str, :class:`h5py.File` Either the filename or an open HDF5 file. """ if isinstance(f, str): import h5py f = h5py.File(f, mode='r') pos = quantity_from_hdf5(f['pos']) vel = quantity_from_hdf5(f['vel']) frame = None if 'frame' in f: g = f['frame'] frame_mod = g.attrs['module'] frame_cls = g.attrs['class'] frame_units = [u.Unit(x.decode('utf-8')) for x in g['units']] if u.dimensionless_unscaled in frame_units: units = DimensionlessUnitSystem() else: units = UnitSystem(*frame_units) pars = dict() for k in g['parameters']: pars[k] = quantity_from_hdf5(g['parameters/'+k]) exec("from {0} import {1}".format(frame_mod, frame_cls)) frame_cls = eval(frame_cls) frame = frame_cls(units=units, **pars) return cls(pos=pos, vel=vel, frame=frame)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Computed dynamical quantities #
[docs] def kinetic_energy(self): r""" The kinetic energy *per unit mass*: .. math:: E_K = \frac{1}{2} \, |\boldsymbol{v}|^2 Returns ------- E : :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity` The kinetic energy. """ return 0.5 * self.vel.norm()**2
[docs] def potential_energy(self, potential): r""" The potential energy *per unit mass*: .. math:: E_\Phi = \Phi(\boldsymbol{q}) Parameters ---------- potential : `gala.potential.PotentialBase` The potential object to compute the energy from. Returns ------- E : :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity` The potential energy. """ # TODO: check that potential ndim is consistent with here return
[docs] def energy(self, hamiltonian): r""" The total energy *per unit mass* (e.g., kinetic + potential): Parameters ---------- hamiltonian : `gala.potential.Hamiltonian` The Hamiltonian object to evaluate the energy. Returns ------- E : :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity` The total energy. """ from ..potential import PotentialBase if isinstance(hamiltonian, PotentialBase): from ..potential import Hamiltonian warnings.warn("This function now expects a `Hamiltonian` instance " "instead of a `PotentialBase` subclass instance. If " "you are using a static reference frame, you just " "need to pass your potential object in to the " "Hamiltonian constructor to use, e.g., " "Hamiltonian(potential).", DeprecationWarning) hamiltonian = Hamiltonian(hamiltonian) return hamiltonian(self)
[docs] def angular_momentum(self): r""" Compute the angular momentum for the phase-space positions contained in this object:: .. math:: \boldsymbol{{L}} = \boldsymbol{{q}} \times \boldsymbol{{p}} See :ref:`shape-conventions` for more information about the shapes of input and output objects. Returns ------- L : :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity` Array of angular momentum vectors. Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> import astropy.units as u >>> pos = np.array([1., 0, 0]) * >>> vel = np.array([0, 2*np.pi, 0]) * >>> w = PhaseSpacePosition(pos, vel) >>> w.angular_momentum() # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP <Quantity [0. ,0. ,6.28318531] AU2 / yr> """ cart = self.represent_as(coord.CartesianRepresentation) return cart.pos.cross(cart.vel).xyz
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Misc. useful methods # def _plot_prepare(self, components, units): """ Prepare the ``PhaseSpacePosition`` or subclass for passing to a plotting routine to plot all projections of the object. """ # components to plot if components is None: components = self.pos.components n_comps = len(components) # if units not specified, get units from the components if units is not None: if isinstance(units, u.UnitBase): units = [units] * n_comps # global unit elif len(units) != n_comps: raise ValueError('You must specify a unit for each axis, or a ' 'single unit for all axes.') labels = [] x = [] for i, name in enumerate(components): val = getattr(self, name) if units is not None: val =[i]) unit = units[i] else: unit = val.unit if val.unit != uu = unit.to_string(format='latex_inline') unit_str = ' [{}]'.format(uu) else: unit_str = '' # Figure out how to fancy display the component name if name.startswith('d_'): dot = True name = name[2:] else: dot = False if name in _greek_letters: name = r"\{}".format(name) if dot: name = r"\dot{{{}}}".format(name) labels.append('${}$'.format(name) + unit_str) x.append(val.value) return x, labels
[docs] def plot(self, components=None, units=None, auto_aspect=True, **kwargs): """ Plot the positions in all projections. This is a wrapper around `~gala.dynamics.plot_projections` for fast access and quick visualization. All extra keyword arguments are passed to that function (the docstring for this function is included here for convenience). Parameters ---------- components : iterable (optional) A list of component names (strings) to plot. By default, this is the Cartesian positions ``['x', 'y', 'z']``. To plot Cartesian velocities, pass in the velocity component names ``['d_x', 'd_y', 'd_z']``. units : `~astropy.units.UnitBase`, iterable (optional) A single unit or list of units to display the components in. auto_aspect : bool (optional) Automatically enforce an equal aspect ratio. relative_to : bool (optional) Plot the values relative to this value or values. autolim : bool (optional) Automatically set the plot limits to be something sensible. axes : array_like (optional) Array of matplotlib Axes objects. subplots_kwargs : dict (optional) Dictionary of kwargs passed to :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.subplots`. labels : iterable (optional) List or iterable of axis labels as strings. They should correspond to the dimensions of the input orbit. plot_function : callable (optional) The ``matplotlib`` plot function to use. By default, this is :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.scatter`, but can also be, e.g., :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.plot`. **kwargs All other keyword arguments are passed to the ``plot_function``. You can pass in any of the usual style kwargs like ``color=...``, ``marker=...``, etc. Returns ------- fig : `~matplotlib.Figure` """ try: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt except ImportError: msg = 'matplotlib is required for visualization.' raise ImportError(msg) if components is None: components = self.pos.components x, labels = self._plot_prepare(components=components, units=units) default_kwargs = { 'marker': '.', 'labels': labels, 'plot_function': plt.scatter, 'autolim': False } for k, v in default_kwargs.items(): kwargs[k] = kwargs.get(k, v) fig = plot_projections(x, **kwargs) if self.pos.get_name() == 'cartesian' and \ all([not c.startswith('d_') for c in components]) and \ auto_aspect: for ax in fig.axes: ax.set(aspect='equal', adjustable='datalim') return fig
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Display # def __repr__(self): return "<{} {}, dim={}, shape={}>".format(self.__class__.__name__, self.pos.get_name(), self.ndim, self.pos.shape) def __str__(self): return "pos={}\nvel={}".format(self.pos, self.vel) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Shape and size # @property def shape(self): """ This is *not* the shape of the position or velocity arrays. That is accessed by doing, e.g., ``obj.x.shape``. """ return self.pos.shape # # Compatibility with other packages #
[docs] def to_galpy_orbit(self, ro=None, vo=None): """Convert this object to a ``galpy.Orbit`` instance. Parameters ---------- ro : `astropy.units.Quantity` or `astropy.units.UnitBase` "Natural" length unit. vo : `astropy.units.Quantity` or `astropy.units.UnitBase` "Natural" velocity unit. Returns ------- galpy_orbit : `galpy.orbit.Orbit` """ from galpy.orbit import Orbit from galpy.util.config import __config__ as galpy_config if self.frame is not None: from ..potential import StaticFrame w = self.to_frame(StaticFrame(self.frame.units)) else: w = self if ro is None: ro = galpy_config.getfloat('normalization', 'ro') ro = ro * u.kpc if vo is None: vo = galpy_config.getfloat('normalization', 'vo') vo = vo * # PhaseSpacePosition or Orbit: cyl = w.cylindrical R = cyl.rho.to_value(ro).T phi = cyl.phi.to_value(u.rad).T z = cyl.z.to_value(ro).T vR = cyl.v_rho.to_value(vo).T vT = (cyl.rho * cyl.pm_phi).to_value(vo, u.dimensionless_angles()).T vz = cyl.v_z.to_value(vo).T o = Orbit(np.array([R, vR, vT, z, vz, phi]).T, ro=ro, vo=vo) if hasattr(w, 't') and w.t is not None: o.t = w.t.to_value(ro / vo) return o