Source code for gala.potential.potential.core

# Standard library
import abc
from collections import OrderedDict
import warnings
import uuid

# Third-party
import numpy as np
from astropy.constants import G
import astropy.units as u
from astropy.utils import isiterable
    from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation
except ImportError:
    raise ImportError("Gala requires scipy>=1.2: make sure you have updated "
                      "your version of scipy and try importing gala again.")

# Project
from ..common import CommonBase
from ...dynamics import PhaseSpacePosition
from ...util import ImmutableDict, atleast_2d
from ...units import DimensionlessUnitSystem

__all__ = ["PotentialBase", "CompositePotential"]

[docs]class PotentialBase(CommonBase, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """ A baseclass for defining pure-Python gravitational potentials. Subclasses must define (at minimum) a method that evaluates the potential energy at a given position ``q`` and time ``t``: ``_energy(q, t)``. For integration, the subclasses must also define a method to evaluate the gradient, ``_gradient(q,t)``. Optionally, they may also define methods to compute the density and hessian: ``_density()``, ``_hessian()``. """ def __init__(self, parameters, origin=None, R=None, parameter_physical_types=None, ndim=3, units=None): self.units = self._validate_units(units) self.parameters = self._prepare_parameters(parameters, self.units) try: self.G = G.decompose(self.units).value except u.UnitConversionError: self.G = 1. # TODO: this is a HACK and could lead to user confusion self.ndim = ndim if origin is None: origin = np.zeros(self.ndim) self.origin = self._remove_units(origin) if R is not None and ndim not in [2, 3]: raise NotImplementedError('Gala potentials currently only support ' 'rotations when ndim=2 or ndim=3.') if R is None: R = np.eye(ndim) elif isinstance(R, Rotation): R = R.as_dcm() R = np.array(R) if R.shape != (ndim, ndim): raise ValueError('Rotation matrix passed to potential {0} has ' 'an invalid shape: expected {1}, got {2}' .format(self.__class__.__name__, (ndim, ndim), R.shape)) self.R = R
[docs] def to_latex(self): return ""
# ======================================================================== # Abstract methods that must be implemented by subclasses # @abc.abstractmethod def _energy(self, q, t=0.): pass @abc.abstractmethod def _gradient(self, q, t=0.): pass def _density(self, q, t=0.): raise NotImplementedError("This Potential has no implemented density function.") def _hessian(self, q, t=0.): raise NotImplementedError("This Potential has no implemented Hessian.") # ======================================================================== # Utility methods # def _remove_units(self, x): """ Always returns an array. If a Quantity is passed in, it converts to the units associated with this object and returns the value. """ if hasattr(x, 'unit'): x = x.decompose(self.units).value else: x = np.array(x) return x def _remove_units_prepare_shape(self, x): """ This is similar to that implemented by `gala.potential.common.CommonBase`, but returns just the position if the input is a `PhaseSpacePosition`. """ if hasattr(x, 'unit'): x = x.decompose(self.units).value elif isinstance(x, PhaseSpacePosition): x = x = atleast_2d(x, insert_axis=1).astype(np.float64) return x # ======================================================================== # Core methods that use the above implemented functions #
[docs] def energy(self, q, t=0.): """ Compute the potential energy at the given position(s). Parameters ---------- q : `~gala.dynamics.PhaseSpacePosition`, `~astropy.units.Quantity`, array_like The position to compute the value of the potential. If the input position object has no units (i.e. is an `~numpy.ndarray`), it is assumed to be in the same unit system as the potential. Returns ------- E : `~astropy.units.Quantity` The potential energy per unit mass or value of the potential. """ q = self._remove_units_prepare_shape(q) orig_shape, q = self._get_c_valid_arr(q) t = self._validate_prepare_time(t, q) ret_unit = self.units['energy'] / self.units['mass'] return self._energy(q, t=t).T.reshape(orig_shape[1:]) * ret_unit
[docs] def gradient(self, q, t=0.): """ Compute the gradient of the potential at the given position(s). Parameters ---------- q : `~gala.dynamics.PhaseSpacePosition`, `~astropy.units.Quantity`, array_like The position to compute the value of the potential. If the input position object has no units (i.e. is an `~numpy.ndarray`), it is assumed to be in the same unit system as the potential. Returns ------- grad : `~astropy.units.Quantity` The gradient of the potential. Will have the same shape as the input position. """ q = self._remove_units_prepare_shape(q) orig_shape, q = self._get_c_valid_arr(q) t = self._validate_prepare_time(t, q) ret_unit = self.units['length'] / self.units['time']**2 return (self._gradient(q, t=t).T.reshape(orig_shape) * ret_unit).to(self.units['acceleration'])
[docs] def density(self, q, t=0.): """ Compute the density value at the given position(s). Parameters ---------- q : `~gala.dynamics.PhaseSpacePosition`, `~astropy.units.Quantity`, array_like The position to compute the value of the potential. If the input position object has no units (i.e. is an `~numpy.ndarray`), it is assumed to be in the same unit system as the potential. Returns ------- dens : `~astropy.units.Quantity` The potential energy or value of the potential. If the input position has shape ``q.shape``, the output energy will have shape ``q.shape[1:]``. """ q = self._remove_units_prepare_shape(q) orig_shape, q = self._get_c_valid_arr(q) t = self._validate_prepare_time(t, q) ret_unit = self.units['mass'] / self.units['length']**3 return (self._density(q, t=t).T * ret_unit).to(self.units['mass density'])
[docs] def hessian(self, q, t=0.): """ Compute the Hessian of the potential at the given position(s). Parameters ---------- q : `~gala.dynamics.PhaseSpacePosition`, `~astropy.units.Quantity`, array_like The position to compute the value of the potential. If the input position object has no units (i.e. is an `~numpy.ndarray`), it is assumed to be in the same unit system as the potential. Returns ------- hess : `~astropy.units.Quantity` The Hessian matrix of second derivatives of the potential. If the input position has shape ``q.shape``, the output energy will have shape ``(q.shape[0],q.shape[0]) + q.shape[1:]``. That is, an ``n_dim`` by ``n_dim`` array (matrix) for each position. """ if (self.R is not None and not np.allclose(np.diag(self.R), 1., atol=1e-15, rtol=0)): raise NotImplementedError("Computing Hessian matrices for rotated " "potentials is currently not supported.") q = self._remove_units_prepare_shape(q) orig_shape,q = self._get_c_valid_arr(q) t = self._validate_prepare_time(t, q) ret_unit = 1 / self.units['time']**2 hess = np.moveaxis(self._hessian(q, t=t), 0, -1) return hess.reshape((orig_shape[0], orig_shape[0]) + orig_shape[1:]) * ret_unit
# ======================================================================== # Convenience methods that make use the base methods #
[docs] def acceleration(self, q, t=0.): """ Compute the acceleration due to the potential at the given position(s). Parameters ---------- q : `~gala.dynamics.PhaseSpacePosition`, `~astropy.units.Quantity`, array_like Position to compute the acceleration at. Returns ------- acc : `~astropy.units.Quantity` The acceleration. Will have the same shape as the input position array, ``q``. """ return -self.gradient(q, t=t)
[docs] def mass_enclosed(self, q, t=0.): """ Estimate the mass enclosed within the given position by assuming the potential is spherical. Parameters ---------- q : `~gala.dynamics.PhaseSpacePosition`, `~astropy.units.Quantity`, array_like Position(s) to estimate the enclossed mass. Returns ------- menc : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Mass enclosed at the given position(s). If the input position has shape ``q.shape``, the output energy will have shape ``q.shape[1:]``. """ q = self._remove_units_prepare_shape(q) orig_shape, q = self._get_c_valid_arr(q) t = self._validate_prepare_time(t, q) # small step-size in direction of q h = 1E-3 # MAGIC NUMBER # Radius r = np.sqrt(np.sum(q**2, axis=1)) epsilon = h*q/r[:, np.newaxis] dPhi_dr_plus = self._energy(q + epsilon, t=t) dPhi_dr_minus = self._energy(q - epsilon, t=t) diff = (dPhi_dr_plus - dPhi_dr_minus) if isinstance(self.units, DimensionlessUnitSystem): Gee = 1. else: Gee = G.decompose(self.units).value Menc = np.abs(r*r * diff / Gee / (2.*h)) Menc = Menc.reshape(orig_shape[1:]) sgn = 1. if 'm' in self.parameters and self.parameters['m'] < 0: sgn = -1. return sgn * Menc * self.units['mass']
[docs] def circular_velocity(self, q, t=0.): """ Estimate the circular velocity at the given position assuming the potential is spherical. Parameters ---------- q : array_like, numeric Position(s) to estimate the circular velocity. Returns ------- vcirc : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Circular velocity at the given position(s). If the input position has shape ``q.shape``, the output energy will have shape ``q.shape[1:]``. """ q = self._remove_units_prepare_shape(q) # Radius r = np.sqrt(np.sum(q**2, axis=0)) * self.units['length'] dPhi_dxyz = self.gradient(q, t=t) dPhi_dr = np.sum(dPhi_dxyz * q/r.value, axis=0) return self.units.decompose(np.sqrt(r * np.abs(dPhi_dr)))
# ======================================================================== # Python special methods #
[docs] def __call__(self, q): return
def __repr__(self): pars = "" if not isinstance(self.parameters, OrderedDict): keys = sorted(self.parameters.keys()) # to ensure the order is always the same else: keys = self.parameters.keys() for k in keys: v = self.parameters[k].value par_fmt = "{}" post = "" if hasattr(v, 'unit'): post = " {}".format(v.unit) v = v.value if isinstance(v, float): if v == 0: par_fmt = "{:.0f}" elif np.log10(v) < -2 or np.log10(v) > 5: par_fmt = "{:.2e}" else: par_fmt = "{:.2f}" elif isinstance(v, int) and np.log10(v) > 5: par_fmt = "{:.2e}" pars += ("{}=" + par_fmt + post).format(k, v) + ", " if isinstance(self.units, DimensionlessUnitSystem): return "<{}: {} (dimensionless)>".format(self.__class__.__name__, pars.rstrip(", ")) else: return "<{}: {} ({})>".format(self.__class__.__name__, pars.rstrip(", "), ",".join(map(str, self.units._core_units))) def __str__(self): return self.__class__.__name__ def __add__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, PotentialBase): raise TypeError('Cannot add a {} to a {}' .format(self.__class__.__name__, other.__class__.__name__)) new_pot = CompositePotential() if isinstance(self, CompositePotential): for k, v in self.items(): new_pot[k] = v else: k = str(uuid.uuid4()) new_pot[k] = self if isinstance(other, CompositePotential): for k, v in self.items(): if k in new_pot: raise KeyError('Potential component "{}" already exists --' 'duplicate key provided in potential ' 'addition') new_pot[k] = v else: k = str(uuid.uuid4()) new_pot[k] = other return new_pot # ======================================================================== # Convenience methods that do fancy things #
[docs] def plot_contours(self, grid, filled=True, ax=None, labels=None, subplots_kw=dict(), **kwargs): """ Plot equipotentials contours. Computes the potential energy on a grid (specified by the array `grid`). .. warning:: Right now the grid input must be arrays and must already be in the unit system of the potential. Quantity support is coming... Parameters ---------- grid : tuple Coordinate grids or slice value for each dimension. Should be a tuple of 1D arrays or numbers. filled : bool (optional) Use :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.contourf` instead of :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.contour`. Default is ``True``. ax : matplotlib.Axes (optional) labels : iterable (optional) List of axis labels. subplots_kw : dict kwargs passed to matplotlib's subplots() function if an axes object is not specified. kwargs : dict kwargs passed to either contourf() or plot(). Returns ------- fig : `~matplotlib.Figure` """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib import cm # figure out which elements are iterable, which are numeric _grids = [] _slices = [] for ii, g in enumerate(grid): if isiterable(g): _grids.append((ii, g)) else: _slices.append((ii, g)) # figure out the dimensionality ndim = len(_grids) # if ndim > 2, don't know how to handle this! if ndim > 2: raise ValueError("ndim > 2: you can only make contours on a 2D grid. For other " "dimensions, you have to specify values to slice.") if ax is None: # default figsize fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, **subplots_kw) else: fig = ax.figure if ndim == 1: # 1D curve x1 = _grids[0][1] r = np.zeros((len(_grids) + len(_slices), len(x1))) r[_grids[0][0]] = x1 for ii, slc in _slices: r[ii] = slc Z =*self.units['length']).value ax.plot(x1, Z, **kwargs) if labels is not None: ax.set_xlabel(labels[0]) ax.set_ylabel("potential") else: # 2D contours x1, x2 = np.meshgrid(_grids[0][1], _grids[1][1]) shp = x1.shape x1, x2 = x1.ravel(), x2.ravel() r = np.zeros((len(_grids) + len(_slices), len(x1))) r[_grids[0][0]] = x1 r[_grids[1][0]] = x2 for ii, slc in _slices: r[ii] = slc Z =*self.units['length']).value # make default colormap not suck cmap = kwargs.pop('cmap', cm.Blues) if filled: cs = ax.contourf(x1.reshape(shp), x2.reshape(shp), Z.reshape(shp), cmap=cmap, **kwargs) else: cs = ax.contour(x1.reshape(shp), x2.reshape(shp), Z.reshape(shp), cmap=cmap, **kwargs) if labels is not None: ax.set_xlabel(labels[0]) ax.set_ylabel(labels[1]) return fig
[docs] def plot_density_contours(self, grid, filled=True, ax=None, labels=None, subplots_kw=dict(), **kwargs): """ Plot density contours. Computes the density on a grid (specified by the array `grid`). .. warning:: Right now the grid input must be arrays and must already be in the unit system of the potential. Quantity support is coming... Parameters ---------- grid : tuple Coordinate grids or slice value for each dimension. Should be a tuple of 1D arrays or numbers. filled : bool (optional) Use :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.contourf` instead of :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.contour`. Default is ``True``. ax : matplotlib.Axes (optional) labels : iterable (optional) List of axis labels. subplots_kw : dict kwargs passed to matplotlib's subplots() function if an axes object is not specified. kwargs : dict kwargs passed to either contourf() or plot(). Returns ------- fig : `~matplotlib.Figure` """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib import cm # figure out which elements are iterable, which are numeric _grids = [] _slices = [] for ii, g in enumerate(grid): if isiterable(g): _grids.append((ii, g)) else: _slices.append((ii, g)) # figure out the dimensionality ndim = len(_grids) # if ndim > 2, don't know how to handle this! if ndim > 2: raise ValueError("ndim > 2: you can only make contours on a 2D grid. For other " "dimensions, you have to specify values to slice.") if ax is None: # default figsize fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, **subplots_kw) else: fig = ax.figure if ndim == 1: # 1D curve x1 = _grids[0][1] r = np.zeros((len(_grids) + len(_slices), len(x1))) r[_grids[0][0]] = x1 for ii, slc in _slices: r[ii] = slc Z = self.density(r*self.units['length']).value ax.plot(x1, Z, **kwargs) if labels is not None: ax.set_xlabel(labels[0]) ax.set_ylabel("potential") else: # 2D contours x1, x2 = np.meshgrid(_grids[0][1], _grids[1][1]) shp = x1.shape x1, x2 = x1.ravel(), x2.ravel() r = np.zeros((len(_grids) + len(_slices), len(x1))) r[_grids[0][0]] = x1 r[_grids[1][0]] = x2 for ii, slc in _slices: r[ii] = slc Z = self.density(r*self.units['length']).value # make default colormap not suck cmap = kwargs.pop('cmap', cm.Blues) if filled: cs = ax.contourf(x1.reshape(shp), x2.reshape(shp), Z.reshape(shp), cmap=cmap, **kwargs) else: cs = ax.contour(x1.reshape(shp), x2.reshape(shp), Z.reshape(shp), cmap=cmap, **kwargs) # cs.cmap.set_under('w') # cs.cmap.set_over('k') if labels is not None: ax.set_xlabel(labels[0]) ax.set_ylabel(labels[1]) return fig
[docs] def integrate_orbit(self, *args, **kwargs): """ .. warning:: This is now deprecated. Convenient orbit integration should happen using the `gala.potential.Hamiltonian` class. With a static reference frame, you just need to pass your potential in to the `~gala.potential.Hamiltonian` constructor. Integrate an orbit in the current potential using the integrator class provided. Uses same time specification as `` -- see the documentation for `gala.integrate` for more information. Parameters ---------- w0 : `~gala.dynamics.PhaseSpacePosition`, array_like Initial conditions. Integrator : `~gala.integrate.Integrator` (optional) Integrator class to use. Integrator_kwargs : dict (optional) Any extra keyword argumets to pass to the integrator class when initializing. Only works in non-Cython mode. cython_if_possible : bool (optional) If there is a Cython version of the integrator implemented, and the potential object has a C instance, using Cython will be *much* faster. **time_spec Specification of how long to integrate. See documentation for `~gala.integrate.parse_time_specification`. Returns ------- orbit : `~gala.dynamics.Orbit` """ warnings.warn("Use `Hamiltonian.integrate_orbit()` instead. If you are using a " "static reference frame, you just need to pass your " "potential object in to the Hamiltonian constructor to use, e.g., " "orbit = Hamiltonian(potential).integrate_orbit(...).", DeprecationWarning) from ..hamiltonian import Hamiltonian return Hamiltonian(self).integrate_orbit(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def total_energy(self, x, v): """ Compute the total energy (per unit mass) of a point in phase-space in this potential. Assumes the last axis of the input position / velocity is the dimension axis, e.g., for 100 points in 3-space, the arrays should have shape (100,3). Parameters ---------- x : array_like, numeric Position. v : array_like, numeric Velocity. """ warnings.warn("Use the energy methods on Orbit objects instead. In a future " "release this will be removed.", DeprecationWarning) v = atleast_2d(v, insert_axis=1) return + 0.5*np.sum(v**2, axis=0)
[docs] def save(self, f): """ Save the potential to a text file. See :func:`` for more information. Parameters ---------- f : str, file_like A filename or file-like object to write the input potential object to. """ from .io import save save(self, f)
# ======================================================================== # Deprecated methods # def _value(self, q, t=0.): warnings.warn("Use `_energy()` instead.", DeprecationWarning) return self._energy(q, t=t)
[docs] def value(self, *args, **kwargs): __doc__ = warnings.warn("Use `energy()` instead.", DeprecationWarning) return*args, **kwargs)
[docs]class CompositePotential(PotentialBase, OrderedDict): """ A potential composed of several distinct components. For example, two point masses or a galactic disk and halo, each with their own potential model. A `CompositePotential` is created like a Python dictionary, e.g.:: >>> p1 = SomePotential(func1) # doctest: +SKIP >>> p2 = SomePotential(func2) # doctest: +SKIP >>> cp = CompositePotential(component1=p1, component2=p2) # doctest: +SKIP This object actually acts like an `OrderedDict`, so if you want to preserve the order of the potential components, use:: >>> cp = CompositePotential() # doctest: +SKIP >>> cp['component1'] = p1 # doctest: +SKIP >>> cp['component2'] = p2 # doctest: +SKIP You can also use any of the built-in `Potential` classes as components:: >>> from gala.potential import HernquistPotential >>> cp = CompositePotential() >>> cp['spheroid'] = HernquistPotential(m=1E11, c=10., units=(u.kpc,u.Myr,u.Msun,u.radian)) """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self._units = None self.ndim = None if len(args) > 0 and isinstance(args[0], list): for k, v in args[0]: kwargs[k] = v else: for i, v in args: kwargs[str(i)] = v self.lock = False for v in kwargs.values(): self._check_component(v) OrderedDict.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.R = None # TODO: this is a little messy def __setitem__(self, key, value): self._check_component(value) super(CompositePotential, self).__setitem__(key, value) def _check_component(self, p): if not isinstance(p, PotentialBase): raise TypeError("Potential components may only be Potential " "objects, not {0}.".format(type(p))) if self.units is None: self._units = p.units self.ndim = p.ndim else: if sorted([str(x) for x in self.units]) != sorted([str(x) for x in p.units]): raise ValueError("Unit system of new potential component must match " "unit systems of other potential components.") if p.ndim != self.ndim: raise ValueError("All potential components must have the same number of " "phase-space dimensions ({} in this case)".format(self.ndim)) if self.lock: raise ValueError("Potential object is locked - new components can only be" " added to unlocked potentials.") @property def units(self): # read-only return self._units @property def parameters(self): params = dict() for k, v in self.items(): params[k] = v.parameters return ImmutableDict(**params) def _energy(self, q, t=0.): return np.sum([p._energy(q, t) for p in self.values()], axis=0) def _gradient(self, q, t=0.): return np.sum([p._gradient(q, t) for p in self.values()], axis=0) def _hessian(self, w, t=0.): return np.sum([p._hessian(w, t) for p in self.values()], axis=0) def _density(self, q, t=0.): return np.sum([p._density(q, t) for p in self.values()], axis=0) def __repr__(self): return "<CompositePotential {}>".format(",".join(self.keys()))
_potential_docstring = """units : `~gala.units.UnitSystem` (optional) Set of non-reducable units that specify (at minimum) the length, mass, time, and angle units. origin : `~astropy.units.Quantity` (optional) The origin of the potential, the default being 0. R : `~scipy.spatial.transform.Rotation`, array_like (optional) A Scipy ``Rotation`` object or an array representing a rotation matrix that specifies a rotation of the potential. This is applied *after* the origin shift. Default is the identity matrix. """