Source code for gala.dynamics.mockstream.core

# Standard library
import warnings
import os

# Third-party
import numpy as np

# Project
from .. import PhaseSpacePosition, Orbit
from ...potential import Hamiltonian, CPotentialBase
from ...integrate import DOPRI853Integrator, LeapfrogIntegrator
from ._mockstream import (_mock_stream_dop853, _mock_stream_leapfrog,

__all__ = ['mock_stream', 'streakline_stream', 'fardal_stream',

[docs]def mock_stream(hamiltonian, prog_orbit, prog_mass, k_mean, k_disp, release_every=1, Integrator=DOPRI853Integrator, Integrator_kwargs=dict(), snapshot_filename=None, output_every=1, seed=None): """ Generate a mock stellar stream in the specified potential with a progenitor system that ends up at the specified position. Parameters ---------- hamiltonian : `~gala.potential.Hamiltonian` The system Hamiltonian. prog_orbit : `~gala.dynamics.Orbit` The orbit of the progenitor system. prog_mass : numeric, array_like A single mass or an array of masses if the progenitor mass evolves with time. k_mean : `numpy.ndarray` Array of mean :math:`k` values (see Fardal et al. 2015). These are used to determine the exact prescription for generating the mock stream. The components are for: :math:`(R,\phi,z,v_R,v_\phi,v_z)`. If 1D, assumed constant in time. If 2D, time axis is axis 0. k_disp : `numpy.ndarray` Array of :math:`k` value dispersions (see Fardal et al. 2015). These are used to determine the exact prescription for generating the mock stream. The components are for: :math:`(R,\phi,z,v_R,v_\phi,v_z)`. If 1D, assumed constant in time. If 2D, time axis is axis 0. release_every : int (optional) Release particles at the Lagrange points every X timesteps. Integrator : `~gala.integrate.Integrator` (optional) Integrator to use. Integrator_kwargs : dict (optional) Any extra keyword argumets to pass to the integrator function. snapshot_filename : str (optional) Filename to save all incremental snapshots of particle positions and velocities. Warning: this can make very large files if you are not careful! output_every : int (optional) If outputing snapshots (i.e., if snapshot_filename is specified), this controls how often to output a snapshot. seed : int (optional) A random number seed for initializing the particle positions. Returns ------- stream : `~gala.dynamics.PhaseSpacePosition` """ if isinstance(hamiltonian, CPotentialBase): warnings.warn("This function now expects a `Hamiltonian` instance " "instead of a `PotentialBase` subclass instance. If you " "are using a static reference frame, you just need to " "pass your potential object in to the Hamiltonian " "constructor to use, e.g., Hamiltonian(potential).", DeprecationWarning) hamiltonian = Hamiltonian(hamiltonian) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Some initial checks to short-circuit if input is bad if Integrator not in [LeapfrogIntegrator, DOPRI853Integrator]: raise ValueError("Only Leapfrog and dop853 integration is supported for" " generating mock streams.") if not isinstance(hamiltonian, Hamiltonian) or not hamiltonian.c_enabled: raise TypeError("Input potential must be a CPotentialBase subclass.") if not isinstance(prog_orbit, Orbit): raise TypeError("Progenitor orbit must be an Orbit subclass.") if snapshot_filename is not None and Integrator != DOPRI853Integrator: raise ValueError("If saving snapshots, must use the DOP853Integrator.") k_mean = np.atleast_1d(k_mean) k_disp = np.atleast_1d(k_disp) if k_mean.ndim > 1: assert k_mean.shape[0] == prog_orbit.t.size assert k_disp.shape[0] == prog_orbit.t.size # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ if prog_orbit.t[1] < prog_orbit.t[0]: raise ValueError("Progenitor orbit goes backwards in time. Streams can " "only be generated on orbits that run forwards. Hint: " "you can reverse the orbit with prog_orbit[::-1], but " "make sure the array of k_mean values is ordered " "correctly.") c_w = np.squeeze(prog_orbit.w(hamiltonian.units)).T # transpose for Cython funcs prog_w = np.ascontiguousarray(c_w) prog_t = np.ascontiguousarray(prog_orbit.t.decompose(hamiltonian.units).value) if not hasattr(prog_mass, 'unit'): prog_mass = prog_mass * hamiltonian.units['mass'] if not prog_mass.isscalar: if len(prog_mass) != prog_orbit.ntimes: raise ValueError("If passing in an array of progenitor masses, it " "must have the same length as the number of " "timesteps in the input orbit.") prog_mass = prog_mass.decompose(hamiltonian.units).value if Integrator == LeapfrogIntegrator: stream_w = _mock_stream_leapfrog(hamiltonian, t=prog_t, prog_w=prog_w, release_every=release_every, _k_mean=k_mean, _k_disp=k_disp, G=hamiltonian.potential.G, _prog_mass=prog_mass, seed=seed, **Integrator_kwargs) elif Integrator == DOPRI853Integrator: if snapshot_filename is not None: if os.path.exists(snapshot_filename): raise IOError("Mockstream save file '{}' already exists.") import h5py _mock_stream_animate(snapshot_filename, hamiltonian, t=prog_t, prog_w=prog_w, release_every=release_every, output_every=output_every, _k_mean=k_mean, _k_disp=k_disp, G=hamiltonian.potential.G, _prog_mass=prog_mass, seed=seed, **Integrator_kwargs) with h5py.File(str(snapshot_filename), 'a') as h5f: h5f['pos'].attrs['unit'] = str(hamiltonian.units['length']) h5f['vel'].attrs['unit'] = str(hamiltonian.units['length']/hamiltonian.units['time']) h5f['t'].attrs['unit'] = str(hamiltonian.units['time']) return None else: stream_w = _mock_stream_dop853(hamiltonian, t=prog_t, prog_w=prog_w, release_every=release_every, _k_mean=k_mean, _k_disp=k_disp, G=hamiltonian.potential.G, _prog_mass=prog_mass, seed=seed, **Integrator_kwargs) else: raise RuntimeError("Should never get here...") return PhaseSpacePosition.from_w(w=stream_w.T, units=hamiltonian.units)
[docs]def streakline_stream(hamiltonian, prog_orbit, prog_mass, release_every=1, Integrator=DOPRI853Integrator, Integrator_kwargs=dict(), snapshot_filename=None, output_every=1, seed=None): """ Generate a mock stellar stream in the specified potential with a progenitor system that ends up at the specified position. This uses the Streakline method from Kuepper et al. (2012). Parameters ---------- hamiltonian : `~gala.potential.Hamiltonian` The system Hamiltonian. prog_orbit : `~gala.dynamics.Orbit` The orbit of the progenitor system. prog_mass : numeric, array_like A single mass or an array of masses if the progenitor mass evolves with time. release_every : int (optional) Release particles at the Lagrange points every X timesteps. Integrator : `~gala.integrate.Integrator` (optional) Integrator to use. Integrator_kwargs : dict (optional) Any extra keyword argumets to pass to the integrator function. snapshot_filename : str (optional) Filename to save all incremental snapshots of particle positions and velocities. Warning: this can make very large files if you are not careful! output_every : int (optional) If outputing snapshots (i.e., if snapshot_filename is specified), this controls how often to output a snapshot. seed : int (optional) A random number seed for initializing the particle positions. Returns ------- stream : `~gala.dynamics.PhaseSpacePosition` """ k_mean = np.zeros(6) k_disp = np.zeros(6) k_mean[0] = 1. # R k_disp[0] = 0. k_mean[1] = 0. # phi k_disp[1] = 0. k_mean[2] = 0. # z k_disp[2] = 0. k_mean[3] = 0. # vR k_disp[3] = 0. k_mean[4] = 1. # vt k_disp[4] = 0. k_mean[5] = 0. # vz k_disp[5] = 0. return mock_stream(hamiltonian=hamiltonian, prog_orbit=prog_orbit, prog_mass=prog_mass, k_mean=k_mean, k_disp=k_disp, release_every=release_every, Integrator=Integrator, Integrator_kwargs=Integrator_kwargs, snapshot_filename=snapshot_filename, output_every=output_every, seed=seed)
[docs]def fardal_stream(hamiltonian, prog_orbit, prog_mass, release_every=1, Integrator=DOPRI853Integrator, Integrator_kwargs=dict(), snapshot_filename=None, seed=None, output_every=1): """ Generate a mock stellar stream in the specified potential with a progenitor system that ends up at the specified position. This uses the prescription from Fardal et al. (2015). Parameters ---------- hamiltonian : `~gala.potential.Hamiltonian` The system Hamiltonian. prog_orbit : `~gala.dynamics.Orbit` The orbit of the progenitor system. prog_mass : numeric, array_like A single mass or an array of masses if the progenitor mass evolves with time. release_every : int (optional) Release particles at the Lagrange points every X timesteps. Integrator : `~gala.integrate.Integrator` (optional) Integrator to use. Integrator_kwargs : dict (optional) Any extra keyword argumets to pass to the integrator function. snapshot_filename : str (optional) Filename to save all incremental snapshots of particle positions and velocities. Warning: this can make very large files if you are not careful! output_every : int (optional) If outputing snapshots (i.e., if snapshot_filename is specified), this controls how often to output a snapshot. seed : int (optional) A random number seed for initializing the particle positions. Returns ------- stream : `~gala.dynamics.PhaseSpacePosition` """ k_mean = np.zeros(6) k_disp = np.zeros(6) k_mean[0] = 2. # R k_disp[0] = 0.5 k_mean[1] = 0. # phi k_disp[1] = 0. k_mean[2] = 0. # z k_disp[2] = 0.5 k_mean[3] = 0. # vR k_disp[3] = 0. k_mean[4] = 0.3 # vt k_disp[4] = 0.5 k_mean[5] = 0. # vz k_disp[5] = 0.5 return mock_stream(hamiltonian=hamiltonian, prog_orbit=prog_orbit, prog_mass=prog_mass, k_mean=k_mean, k_disp=k_disp, release_every=release_every, Integrator=Integrator, Integrator_kwargs=Integrator_kwargs, snapshot_filename=snapshot_filename, output_every=output_every, seed=seed)
[docs]def dissolved_fardal_stream(hamiltonian, prog_orbit, prog_mass, t_disrupt, release_every=1, Integrator=DOPRI853Integrator, Integrator_kwargs=dict(), snapshot_filename=None, output_every=1, seed=None): """ Generate a mock stellar stream in the specified potential with a progenitor system that ends up at the specified position. This uses the prescription from Fardal et al. (2015), but at a specified time the progenitor completely dissolves and the radial offset of the tidal radius is reduced to 0 at fixed dispersion. Parameters ---------- hamiltonian : `~gala.potential.Hamiltonian` The system Hamiltonian. prog_orbit : `~gala.dynamics.Orbit` The orbit of the progenitor system. prog_mass : numeric, array_like A single mass or an array of masses if the progenitor mass evolves with time. t_disrupt : numeric The time that the progenitor completely disrupts. release_every : int (optional) Release particles at the Lagrange points every X timesteps. Integrator : `~gala.integrate.Integrator` (optional) Integrator to use. Integrator_kwargs : dict (optional) Any extra keyword argumets to pass to the integrator function. snapshot_filename : str (optional) Filename to save all incremental snapshots of particle positions and velocities. Warning: this can make very large files if you are not careful! output_every : int (optional) If outputing snapshots (i.e., if snapshot_filename is specified), this controls how often to output a snapshot. seed : int (optional) A random number seed for initializing the particle positions. Returns ------- stream : `~gala.dynamics.PhaseSpacePosition` """ try: # the time index closest to when the disruption happens t = prog_orbit.t except AttributeError: raise TypeError("Input progenitor orbit must be an Orbit subclass instance.") disrupt_ix = np.abs(t - t_disrupt).argmin() k_mean = np.zeros((t.size, 6)) k_disp = np.zeros((t.size, 6)) k_mean[:, 0] = 2. # R k_mean[disrupt_ix:, 0] = 0. k_disp[:, 0] = 0.5 k_mean[:, 1] = 0. # phi k_disp[:, 1] = 0. k_mean[:, 2] = 0. # z k_disp[:, 2] = 0.5 k_mean[:, 3] = 0. # vR k_disp[:, 3] = 0. k_mean[:, 4] = 0.3 # vt k_disp[:, 4] = 0.5 k_mean[:, 5] = 0. # vz k_disp[:, 5] = 0.5 return mock_stream(hamiltonian=hamiltonian, prog_orbit=prog_orbit, prog_mass=prog_mass, k_mean=k_mean, k_disp=k_disp, release_every=release_every, Integrator=Integrator, Integrator_kwargs=Integrator_kwargs, snapshot_filename=snapshot_filename, output_every=output_every, seed=seed)