.. include:: references.txt .. _gala-install: ============ Installation ============ Cloning, Building, Installing ============================= The latest development version of gala can be cloned from `GitHub `_ using ``git``:: git clone git://github.com/adrn/gala.git To build the project (from the root of the source tree, e.g., inside the cloned ``gala`` directory):: python setup.py build To install the project:: python setup.py install Dependencies ============ This packages has the following dependencies: - `Python`_ >= 2.7 - `Numpy`_ >= 1.8 - `Cython `_: >= 0.23 - `Astropy`_ >= 1.1 - `PyYAML`_ >= 3.10 You can use ``pip`` or ``conda`` to install these automatically. Optional -------- - `Sympy`_ for creating `~gala.potential.PotentialBase` objects from a mathematical expression using `~gala.potential.from_equation()`.