.. _nonlinear: ****************** Nonlinear dynamics ****************** Introduction ============ This module contains utilities for nonlinear dynamics. Currently, the only implemented features enable you to compute estimates of the maximum Lyapunov exponent for an orbit. In future releases, there will be features for creating surface of sections and computing the full Lyapunov spectrum. Some imports needed for the code below:: >>> import astropy.units as u >>> import numpy as np >>> import gala.potential as gp >>> import gala.dynamics as gd >>> from gala.units import galactic Computing Lyapunov exponents ============================ Chaotic orbit ------------- There are two ways to compute Lyapunov exponents implemented in `gala.dynamics`. In most cases, you'll want to use the `~gala.dynamics.fast_lyapunov_max` function because the integration is implemented in C and is quite fast. This function only works if the potential you are working with is implemented in C (e.g., it is a `~gala.potential.CPotentialBase` subclass). With a potential object and a set of initial conditions:: >>> pot = gp.LogarithmicPotential(v_c=150*u.km/u.s, r_h=0.1*u.kpc, ... q1=1., q2=0.8, q3=0.6, units=galactic) >>> w0 = gd.CartesianPhaseSpacePosition(pos=[5.5,0.,5.5]*u.kpc, ... vel=[0.,100.,0]*u.km/u.s) >>> lyap,orbit = gd.fast_lyapunov_max(w0, pot, dt=2., n_steps=100000) # doctest: +SKIP This returns two objects: an `~astropy.units.Quantity` object that contains the maximum Lyapunov exponent estimate for each offset orbit, (we can control the number of offset orbits with the ``noffset_orbits`` argument) and an `~gala.dynamics.CartesianOrbit` object that contains the parent orbit and each offset orbit. Let's plot the parent orbit:: >>> fig = orbit[:,0].plot(marker=',', alpha=0.1, linestyle='none') # doctest: +SKIP .. plot:: :align: center import astropy.units as u import matplotlib.pyplot as pl import gala.potential as gp import gala.dynamics as gd from gala.units import galactic pot = gp.LogarithmicPotential(v_c=150*u.km/u.s, r_h=0.1*u.kpc, q1=1., q2=0.8, q3=0.6, units=galactic) w0 = gd.CartesianPhaseSpacePosition(pos=[5.5,0.,5.5]*u.kpc, vel=[0.,100.,0]*u.km/u.s) lyap,orbit = gd.fast_lyapunov_max(w0, pot, dt=2., n_steps=100000) fig = orbit[:,0].plot(marker=',', linestyle='none', alpha=0.1) Visually, this looks like a chaotic orbit. This means the Lyapunov exponent should saturate to some value. We'll now plot the estimate of the Lyapunov exponent as a function of time -- because the algorithm re-normalizes every several time-steps (controllable with the ``n_steps_per_pullback`` argument), we have to down-sample the time array to align it with the Lyapunov exponent array. This plots one line per offset orbit:: >>> pl.figure() # doctest: +SKIP >>> pl.loglog(orbit.t[11::10], lyap, marker=None) # doctest: +SKIP >>> pl.xlabel("Time [{}]".format(orbit.t.unit)) # doctest: +SKIP >>> pl.ylabel(r"$\lambda_{{\rm max}}$ [{}]".format(lyap.unit)) # doctest: +SKIP >>> pl.tight_layout() # doctest: +SKIP .. plot:: :align: center import astropy.units as u import matplotlib.pyplot as pl import gala.potential as gp import gala.dynamics as gd from gala.units import galactic pot = gp.LogarithmicPotential(v_c=150*u.km/u.s, r_h=0.1*u.kpc, q1=1., q2=0.8, q3=0.6, units=galactic) w0 = gd.CartesianPhaseSpacePosition(pos=[5.5,0.,5.5]*u.kpc, vel=[0.,100.,0]*u.km/u.s) lyap,orbit = gd.fast_lyapunov_max(w0, pot, dt=2., n_steps=100000) pl.figure() pl.loglog(orbit.t[11::10], lyap, marker=None) pl.xlabel("Time [{}]".format(orbit.t.unit)) pl.ylabel(r"$\lambda_{{\rm max}}$ [{}]".format(lyap.unit)) pl.tight_layout() The estimate is clearly starting to diverge from a simple power law decay. Regular orbit ------------- To compare, we will compute the estimate for a regular orbit as well:: >>> w0 = gd.CartesianPhaseSpacePosition(pos=[5.5,0.,0.]*u.kpc, ... vel=[0.,140.,25]*u.km/u.s) >>> lyap,orbit = gd.fast_lyapunov_max(w0, pot, dt=2., n_steps=100000) # doctest: +SKIP >>> fig = orbit[:,0].plot(marker=',', alpha=0.1, linestyle='none') # doctest: +SKIP .. plot:: :align: center import astropy.units as u import matplotlib.pyplot as pl import gala.potential as gp import gala.dynamics as gd from gala.units import galactic pot = gp.LogarithmicPotential(v_c=150*u.km/u.s, r_h=0.1*u.kpc, q1=1., q2=0.8, q3=0.6, units=galactic) w0 = gd.CartesianPhaseSpacePosition(pos=[5.5,0.,0.]*u.kpc, vel=[0.,140.,25]*u.km/u.s) lyap,orbit = gd.fast_lyapunov_max(w0, pot, dt=1., n_steps=200000) fig = orbit[:,0].plot(marker=',', linestyle='none', alpha=0.1) Because this is a regular orbit, the estimate continues decreasing, following a characteristic power-law (a straight line in a log-log plot):: >>> pl.figure() # doctest: +SKIP >>> pl.loglog(orbit.t[11::10], lyap, marker=None) # doctest: +SKIP >>> pl.xlabel("Time [{}]".format(orbit.t.unit)) # doctest: +SKIP >>> pl.ylabel(r"$\lambda_{{\rm max}}$ [{}]".format(lyap.unit)) # doctest: +SKIP >>> pl.tight_layout() # doctest: +SKIP .. plot:: :align: center import astropy.units as u import matplotlib.pyplot as pl import gala.potential as gp import gala.dynamics as gd from gala.units import galactic pot = gp.LogarithmicPotential(v_c=150*u.km/u.s, r_h=0.1*u.kpc, q1=1., q2=0.8, q3=0.6, units=galactic) w0 = gd.CartesianPhaseSpacePosition(pos=[5.5,0.,0.]*u.kpc, vel=[0.,140.,25]*u.km/u.s) lyap,orbit = gd.fast_lyapunov_max(w0, pot, dt=1., n_steps=200000) pl.figure() pl.loglog(orbit.t[11::10], lyap, marker=None) pl.xlabel("Time [{}]".format(orbit.t.unit)) pl.ylabel(r"$\lambda_{{\rm max}}$ [{}]".format(lyap.unit)) pl.tight_layout() API --- .. automodapi:: gala.dynamics.nonlinear :no-heading: :headings: ^^