Source code for gala.potential.util

# coding: utf-8

""" Utilities for Potential classes """

from __future__ import division, print_function

__author__ = "adrn <>"

# Third-party
import numpy as np

# Project
from .core import PotentialBase

__all__ = ['from_equation']

# def _classnamify(s):
#     s = [x.lower() for x in str(s).split()]
#     words = []
#     for word in s:
#         words.append(word.capitalize())
#     return "".join(words)

[docs]def from_equation(expr, vars, pars, name=None, hessian=False): r""" Create a potential class from an expression for the potential. .. note:: This utility requires having `Sympy <>`_ installed. .. warning:: These potentials are *not* pickle-able and cannot be written out to YAML files (using ``) Parameters ---------- expr : :class:`sympy.core.expr.Expr`, str Either a ``Sympy`` expression, or a string that can be converted to a ``Sympy`` expression. vars : iterable An iterable of variable names in the expression. pars : iterable An iterable of parameter names in the expression. name : str (optional) The name of the potential class returned. hessian : bool (optional) Generate a function to compute the Hessian. Returns ------- CustomPotential : `~gala.potential.PotentialBase` A potential class that represents the input equation. To instantiate the potential, use just like a normal class with parameters. Examples -------- Here we'll create a potential class for the harmonic oscillator potential, :math:`\Phi(x) = \frac{1}{2}\,k\,x^2`:: >>> Potential = from_equation("1/2*k*x**2", vars="x", pars="k", ... name='HarmonicOscillator') >>> p1 = Potential(k=1.) >>> p1 <HarmonicOscillatorPotential: k=1.00 (dimensionless)> The potential class (and object) is a fully-fledged subclass of `~gala.potential.PotentialBase` and therefore has many useful methods. For example, to integrate an orbit:: >>> orbit = p1.integrate_orbit([1.,0], dt=0.01, n_steps=1000) """ try: import sympy from sympy.utilities.lambdify import lambdify except ImportError: raise ImportError("sympy is required to use 'from_equation()' " "potential class creation.") # convert all input to Sympy objects expr = sympy.sympify(expr) vars = [sympy.sympify(v) for v in vars] var_names = [ for v in vars] pars = [sympy.sympify(p) for p in pars] par_names = [ for p in pars] class CustomPotential(PotentialBase): def __init__(self, units=None, **kwargs): for par in par_names: if par not in kwargs: raise ValueError("You must specify a value for " "parameter '{}'.".format(par)) super(CustomPotential,self).__init__(units=units, parameters=kwargs) if name is not None: # name = _classnamify(name) if "potential" not in name.lower(): name = name + "Potential" CustomPotential.__name__ = str(name) # Energy / value valuefunc = lambdify(vars + pars, expr, dummify=False, modules='numpy') def _value(self, w, t): kw = self.parameters.copy() for k,v in kw.items(): kw[k] = v.value for i,name in enumerate(var_names): kw[name] = w[i] return np.atleast_1d(valuefunc(**kw)) CustomPotential._value = _value # Gradient gradfuncs = [] for var in vars: gradfuncs.append(lambdify(vars + pars, sympy.diff(expr,var), dummify=False, modules='numpy')) def _gradient(self, w, t): kw = self.parameters.copy() for k,v in kw.items(): kw[k] = v.value for i,name in enumerate(var_names): kw[name] = w[i] grad = np.vstack([f(**kw)[np.newaxis] for f in gradfuncs]) return grad CustomPotential._gradient = _gradient = None # Hessian if hessian: raise NotImplementedError("Hessian functionality doesn't exist yet...sorry.") # hessfuncs = [] return CustomPotential